
Adjunct EMDR Therapy

Maintain work with your primary therapist while working through stuck points with an adjunct EMDR therapy provider. 

Program Structure

Adjunct therapy is typically short term and conducted in an Intensive format. It focuses on desensitizing single-incident trauma or simple phobias that interfere with treatment progress.

However, Adjunct sessions may also address complex traumas and be customized to a client’s needs.


What is EMDR?

Learn more about this modality here.


Looking for something else?

Read about our other available services.

About Adjunct EMDR Therapy

We partner with primary therapists and their clients to target specific traumas or issues linked to feeling “stuck” in therapy. By narrowly targeting specific traumatic memories or intrusive material, adjunct EMDR can accelerate therapy progress, help the client and the primary therapist to resolve stuck points, and support healing.

Adjunct therapy does not replace or interrupt ongoing therapy. It’s supplemental to the primary therapeutic relationship. With adjunct EMDR therapy, clients continue to receive treatment with their primary therapist. 

The success of treatment is based on clearly defined goals for the EMDR therapist, defined in collaboration with the primary therapist and client.


Issues addressed in EMDR 

EMDR therapy can help children and adults of all ages. Therapists use EMDR therapy to address a wide range of challenges.


    Anxiety + phobias


    Chronic pain




    Dissociative disorders


    Eating disorders






    Sexual assault


    Sleep disturbance


    Substance abuse + addiction


    Violence + abuse