
Couples Therapy

We hold space for all relationships, including polyamory, BDSM / kink, gender non-conformity, and transgender people.

What happens in your relationship is less important than why it happens. 

In our trauma-informed approach with couples, we look at the whole picture. We explore what happened to each partner’s past, leading to the coping or survival skills they have. We also look at the impact of these coping strategies on distress happening in the current relationship. When couples see the bigger picture, they can often explore new ways to repair rifts, rebuild trust, and strengthen communication.


What to Expect

Our couples therapists use evidence-based modalities such as The Gottman Method to guide clients through relationship conflict and struggles. 

1 - Assessment
  1. Your first 90-minute meeting will include:
    1. Your narrative of the presenting problem
    2. A structured interview regarding the history of your relationship
    3. A brief overview of your individual family histories
    4. You will be asked to discuss an ongoing conflict in your relationship while the
      therapist observes
  2. In between sessions 1 and 2, each partner will receive an email invitation to the Gottman Connect Relationship. These surveys should be completed individually and before session 2.
  3. Your second 90-minute session will be split into 2 individual 45-minute interviews.
  4. During your final 90-minute session, we will review the assessment and develop a treatment plan.
2 - Treatment
  1. The length of therapy will be determined by your needs and goals.
    1. It is recommended to schedule at least one session weekly during the initial phase of treatment. Sessions will be phased out with 2-3 weeks breaks as you and your partner progress towards your goals.
  2. There are 3 domains to focus on:
    1. Friendship/Intimacy and Positive Affect
    2. Constructive Conflict
    3. Shared Meaning
3 - Termination

You may terminate treatment at any time, however it is helpful to have at least one session together to summarize progress, identify remaining work needed, and to say goodbye.

4 - Outcome/Evaluation
  1. Four follow-up sessions are recommended at 6, 12,18, and 24 months post termination.
  2. These sessions have been shown to significantly reduce the chances of relapse into previous unhelpful patterns. The purpose of these sessions is to fine-tune any of your relationship skills if needed and to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

Gottman Method Goals


Undo conflicting verbal communication


Increase intimacy, respect & affection


Remove the barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy in conflicting situations


Create more empathy and understanding within the relationship