Nourishing the Self

a women’s circle for eating disorder relapse prevention & recovery for empaths and highly sensitive persons


About this Group

This group addresses various aspects of eating disorder recovery that includes the development of coping skills, as well as a variety of somatic techniques to assist us in being in (embodying) and befriending our bodies. Weekly discussion addresses themes such as examination of disempowering societal and cultural pressures, inviting ritual and ceremony as a mechanism to promote consistency and predictability of mealtimes, honoring the voice of one’s own intuition, anchoring into one’s chosen life values, navigating intense emotional responses to triggers, reducing intrusive eating disorder and inner critic thoughts, and welcoming variety and vitality through meals and mealtimes. It incorporates multiple modalities to include art therapy, mindfulness, guided meditation journeying, breath work, yoga, movement and exploration of folklore, mythology, and Archetypes. This group is designed to educate and empower women who have struggled to Nourish the Self and shed light on symptoms that society would have us hide or repress. This group can assist you in breaking down those barriers as you learn and reinforce healthy coping strategies, target specific symptoms related to the mind and body, and regain a sense of agency and control over your life outside of your eating disorder.

Group Details

Meeting Time.

This group meets in person on the second, third and fourth Mondays of each month from 6:00-7:30pm.


This group meets in person at our Village Gate office, which is located at 274 N. Goodman St., Suite A300, Rochester, NY 14607.


The cost of this group is $400 for 8 weeks. Payments are typically made in weekly installments of $50/session. Payment is due regardless of group attendance.


This group focuses supports adults (ages 18+) who are in recovery for an eating disorder and appropriate for the outpatient level of care.

Amy Ricotta

Jen Agnitti, LPMHC, RYT 200

Meet your Nourishing the Self group facilitator, Jen Agnitti! Jen is gifted at assisting individuals with accessing their Internal Guidance System (intuition) while simultaneously discovering and recovering various aspects of Self. She seeks to empower clients to exercise their personal authority of choice, as she assists them in becoming agents of change in their own experiences. Jen’s work guides clients from spaces of constriction to expansion and assists them in becoming attuned to their emotions and their bodies.