Intuitive Eating Group

a virtual group for teenage girls


About this Group

This virtual intuitive eating support group helps connect teenage girls in the community who are looking to heal their relationship with food and their bodies. Each week, participants work through “The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens” by Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, a workbook that explores ways that dieting can negatively impact a teen’s well-being. Concepts are reviewed and discussed during weekly group meetings, which are focused on offering a safe space to gather and gain support from a licensed therapist and like-minded peers. The facilitator will guide and provide insight around factual nutrition-based information needed to help those who have developed a diet mentality and/or negative self image about their bodies.

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating is a non-dieting approach that encourages building trust with the body and making food choices that feel good for you, without judging yourself or the influence of diet culture. Intuitive Eating is not a diet or food plan. There is no pass or fail and no “blowing it.” Instead, it’s a journey of self-discovery and connection to the needs of your mind and body. It involves an inner journey of discovery that puts you front and center; you are the expert of your own body.

Group Details

Meeting Time.

This group meets virtually on Tuesdays from 4:00pm – 5:00pm and runs for 10 weeks.


The cost of this group is $400 for 10 weeks. Payments are typically made in weekly installments of $40/session. Payment is due regardless of group attendance.


This group focuses on supporting teenage girls between the ages of 13-18. Space is limited to 8-12 participants.

Required Text.

Each week, participants work through The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens: A Non-Diet, Body Positive Approach to Building a Healthy Relationship with Food by Elyse Resch, MS, RDN. It’s available on Amazon for $15.99.

Amy Ricotta

Natasha Dezonie, LMSW

Meet your Intuitive Eating Group facilitator, Natasha Dezonie! Natasha has a passion for working with teens and families, and currently conducts individual, group, and family therapy sessions virtually at Sustainable Wellness. Natasha regularly integrates ancient holistic practices with trauma-informed, evidence-based approaches to support her clients’ psychological and physical health and overall wellbeing.